With over 20 years of surgical experience, Dr. Steven Mobley has performed hundreds of operations to enhance the face and neck area, bringing a wealth of experience to your individual facial rejuvenation goals. Dr. Mobley is a clinical adjunct Associate Professor of Surgery at the University of Utah and has published numerous articles and book chapters; helping to teach other surgeons his unique Facial Plastic Surgery techniques.
Dr. Mobley is proud to lead the way in establishing Utah as a major destination hub for Facial Plastic Surgery. Whether you’re from out of state or out of country, our Patient Care Team is dedicated to making your experience with us as simple, efficient and discreet as possible.
Mobley MD is a one-of-a-kind, unique center of excellence for facial transformation. Nationally acclaimed Steven Mobley, MD has improved the facial appearance of politicians, sports figures, and other nationally known individuals. He has also helped improve the lives of people internationally from doctors, to soccer moms, and business executives.
Dr. Steven Mobley has been featured on Inside Edition, Good Morning America, People and Cosmopolitan magazines. Dr. Mobley has over 20 years of experience and has transformed thousands of patients’ noses, eyes, ears, and necklines. Mobley MD Facial Plastic Surgery attracts patients from all over the world and all walks of life. We invite you to experience the difference for yourself.
Facelifts in Utah
A Utah Facelift is one of the most overall rejuvenating procedures within all of facial plastic surgery. While some patients mistakenly think that the goal of the face-lift is tighten the skin itself, a face-lift is an operation designed to cosmetically tighten the muscular tissues below the facial skin. Although tighter skin is obviously the ultimate goal, from a surgeon’s point of view this occurs more as a “positive consequence” resulting from the tightening of the muscular layers below the skin.
More about Facelift Surgery:
Surgeons who use older facelift techniques often end up with patients who have a “windblown” look, which is very much a stigma of having an unnatural surgical face-lift outcome.
A Utah facelift is a surgical procedure to provide maximum improvement in this area. Dr. Mobley’s technique is to tighten the finer muscles below the facial skin. This provides a very natural and rejuvenated result while avoiding a “surgical” or “pulled” appearance. Incisions are hidden around the ears and in the hair-bearing area of the scalp. Pain is minimal but some bruising and swelling is to be expected. Recovery averages 10 to 14 days for most of Dr. Mobley’s patients.
With nearly fifteen years of experience, Dr. Steven Mobley has performed hundreds of operations in this area, bringing a wealth of experience to your individual face-lift procedure. Just as no two faces are the same, no two face-lift operations are exactly the same. However, general principles still apply to most face lifting procedures. Whether you are looking for a face-lift, a cheek lift, a mini face-lift or a weekend face-lift, there is a broad range of procedures available and Dr. Mobley will help you determine which procedure will best fit your cosmetic facial surgery goals.
Dr. Mobley is a teacher, innovator and national authority on Facelift (Rhytidectomy) Surgery.
Dr. Mobley has taught his surgical techniques internationally and has written numerous medical articles and book chapters on his innovations. Dr. Mobley is a national authority on Facial Plastic Surgery and is published in some of the leading teaching texts of our time.