Access your certificates, badges, and transcript

You’ll need your Microsoft Certification certificates, badges, and transcript as proof of your accomplishments. Use badges on your LinkedIn profile or career-related social media posts to share your skills in a simple, trusted way.

To access your certificates, badges, and transcript, first you’ll need to go to your Certification Dashboard.

How to access your Certification Dashboard

How to access your certificates

  1. From your Certification Dashboard, click on the “View Certificates” button in the “Certificates” section.
  2. To download, click “download” in the lower right on the “Certificates” icon.
  3. This will list the certificates that you have earned. Click the box next to the name of the certificate to select it.
  4. You can preview a single selected certificate, or you can download a .zip file with multiple certificates selected.

How to access your badges

How to access your transcript

From your Certification Dashboard, click on the “View Transcript” button in the “Transcript” section.

If you don’t see a certificate that you earned or are unable to download

Note that if the certification you are working toward requires two or more exams, you will not receive the certificate until you pass the final exam.

For help finding a certificate that you earned, or with downloading, visit: Certification support.