"We are very satisfied with the timeliness with which an agreement was found between the Parties at a time when it is important for all the actors involved to work for the stability and continued development of a sector that is so valuable and representative of Made in Italy." This is how Stefania Orselli, vice-president of Assopellettieri comments on the agreement reached between the association and the trade unions on the to the new Ccnl, which provides an overall increase (Tec) of 200 euros. On the minimums (Tem), the wage increase will be 180 euros at the 3rd level divided into three annual brackets. In recent days, the delegations of Assopellettieri and Filctem CGIL, Femca Cisl, Uiltec Uil have in fact signed the hypothesis of agreement for the renewal of the national collective bargaining agreement for workers in the manufacturing industries of skins and substitutes, umbrellas and parasols; a sector in which about 56,000 workers operate in almost 5,000 companies. The collective bargaining agreement, which expired last March 31st, will be in effect for three years and will expire on March 31st, 2026.
On contractual welfare, 3 euro increase on Sanimoda supplementary health care from January 2024 and 0.30 percent (paid by companies) on Previmoda pension fund from July 2025. Also provided for 2 euros on health welfare earmarked for non-self-sufficiency insurance coverage. The pay guarantee element, for workers whose companies do not apply 2nd level bargaining, will be raised to 310 euros annually from 2024. On the regulatory news front, guidelines on worker participation and corporate social responsibility are implemented. The provision in the hour bank is raised to 50 hours. On information rights, reduced size threshold from 60 to 50 employees. Annual hours for the right to study are increased from 100 to 120. Victims of gender-based violence will benefit from one month of paid leave, paid by the company, in addition to what is provided by law. Inserted a period of unpaid leave to support women in IVF pathways. Transposed the Cirinná law and new legislation on paternity leave for 10 days.
On the subject of work organization, updated the notice period for blue-collar and middle-collar workers, while the percentage of part-time increases from 10 to 12 percent with a new definition of the cases for obtaining it. Specified the discipline of extended time off with the extension of job preservation in case of serious illness. On grading, by December 2023 the 1st level will be eliminated and two coordinators will be appointed to the grading commission, union and employer, which will determine the final single text.