The death committee

Publication date 1969 Topics Physicians, Death, Physicians Publisher New York : McGraw-Hill Collection internetarchivebooks; inlibrary; printdisabled Contributor Internet Archive Language English Item Size 577.1M

x, 361 pages ; 22 cm

A razor-sharp hospital drama by the author of the international best-sellers The Physician and Shaman. At Suffolk County General Hospital, three brilliant young men are brought together by their ambition and passionate dedication to life. But they work in the shadow of the Death Committee, a formidable hospital tribunal where doctors sit in judgment of their peers, deciding who is to blame when a death could have been prevented. During an unforgettable year of love and fear, failure and victory, the young doctors must face the crucial dramas and triumphs of hospital life. Noah Gordon has won many awards, including the James Fenimore Cooper Prize; among his books are The Physician, Shaman, The Jerusalem Diamond, The Rabbi, The Last Jew, and Choices

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