How to Write a Conclusion for a Lab Report

A conclusion in a lab report is a recap of the entire experiment or the study. Starting from the purpose of the experiment to its result and subsequent interpretations of the result, a lab report conclusion effectively summarizes all the steps of the experiment.

Structure of a Lab Report Conclusion

Similar to the lab report abstract, which appears at the beginning of the lab report, the conclusion provides the reader with an overview of the experiment. While both have a similar structure, there is an important difference between an abstract and a conclusion. While an abstract summarizes the key points of the experiment, a conclusion is more elaborate and sheds light on the result of the experiment. A lab report conclusion:

Lab Report Conclusion Example

Below is the conclusion of a lactase enzyme specificity experiment, which clearly states all the key information related to the outcome.

For our lactase enzyme specificity experiment, we concluded our hypothesis that enzymes are specific and will only break down lactose, but not sucrose. This was proven with the data we collected. We found that only the test tube containing milk and lactase was able to have an enzymatic reaction releasing 1000 mg/dL of glucose. This gave proof to our prediction that if lactase is specific, it may only break down lactose. Enzyme lactase is specificity-hydrolyzed lactose.

Using the RERUN Method to Write a Conclusion

One of the most commonly used methods when it comes to writing a lab report conclusion is the ‘RERUN’ method. This method recapitulates all the key steps of an experiment:

Restate: Recapping the entire experiment, including the hypothesis and what was expected of the experiment, is a good way to conclude the report.

Explain: This step elaborates on the purpose of the experiment, the methods used, and any other important part of the experiment.

Result: After elaborating on the purpose of the experiment, the next step is to explain the result of the experiment and its interpretation.

Uncertainties: Any uncertainties that can affect the result, such as assumptions made or limitations to the experiment, should be noted in the conclusion section.

New: Anything new that is learned during the experiment should also be included in the conclusion of the lab report.

Tips for Writing a Lab Report Conclusion

A lab report conclusion should be comprehensive and precise. Also, it should:

From the main takeaways to making sense of the key findings of the study, a conclusion explicates some important aspects of the experiment and is therefore a crucial element of the lab report.

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