Product Evaluation

Processing Shelf Stable Acidified Foods in Sealed Containers

*Disclaimer: If you manufacture and/or sell/market any other product(s) that contain cannabis as an ingredient, our lab cannot assist you even if that new product does not contain cannabis.*

Food products packaged in hermetically sealed (air tight) containers are subject to regulations equivalent to the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 21, Parts 108, 113, and/or 114 (21 CFR 108, 113, and/or 114). Of course, all food products also must comply with a number of other regulations including labeling, net contents, good manufacturing practices, etc.

Group of homemade preserved vegetables and fruits

Low acid foods have finished equilibrium pH greater than 4.6. Acid foods have a natural finished equilibrium pH of 4.6 or less. Acidified foods also have a finished equilibrium pH 4.6 or less but have a significant low acid component. Acidified foods include pickled vegetables, most salsas, and many other formulated products. Exceptions to the acidified foods regulations include carbonated beverages, alcoholic beverages, refrigerated and frozen products, and products with water activity 0.85 or less. Jams and jellies which meet the published standards of identity are exempt since their water activities are 0.85 or less.

A process authority (a person with expert knowledge in processing) determines the product classification and the processes for low acid and acidified foods. The rest of this document will address only acidified foods.

Copies of 21 CFR 108, 110, and 114 are attached for your information. It is our understanding that processors who are under the jurisdiction of the Washington State Department of Agriculture and the State Department of Health/local health departments are subject to these same regulations with a few modifications. There is substantial mandatory record keeping required for acidified foods, including (but not limited to) the following: