Contract Acceptance Letter

When the word gets out about your reputable and successful business, you are likely to have other businesses and suppliers interested in working with you. If they are able to satisfy you with the terms and conditions of an agreement, you will want to send them a formal contract acceptance letter to let them know you are ready to do business with them. It is important to know how to do so in a way that well represents your business. Here is a helpful guide to writing these letters effectively and in a professional yet gracious manner.

Format and Content

Start off the contract acceptance letter format by writing on your company’s official letterhead, making sure to use proper grammar and spelling at all times. You should have approximately three paragraphs in a good contract acceptance letter format. Open with a statement of acceptance for the business contract, perhaps mentioning a few details related to the contract. Give your contact details so that further discussion may be had, and close with an appropriate expression of appreciation for the cooperative efforts of the business. Remember to sign and date the letter properly, as will be shown below in an example letter.


If you are looking for ideas on what to write in your letter, seeing an example may be able to help. Here is a contract acceptance letter sample from a busy restaurant looking to outsource some of their ingredients. It notifies the supplier that they are satisfied with the terms of their contract and wish to start their business relationship immediately. It also gives up to date contact information and thanks the supplier for their time.

Dear Ms. Hines,

I am pleased to inform you that we at ABC Family Restaurant have accepted the contract ABC Bakery presented us in regards to becoming our main bread supplier. We appreciate the excellent reputation your company has in our community and believe that we can get the highest quality products at the best price by working with you. We are satisfied with the terms and conditions that you have laid out in the contract and wish to put it into effect immediately.

Please find our signed copy of the contract enclosed with this letter. You will also find a chart detailing our supply needs and required delivery dates. To discuss any of these matters with us further, please contact us at your convenience at (555)-555-5555 or [email] We look forward to hearing from you again.

We anticipate integrating ABC Bakery’s high quality products into our menu in order to better satisfy the community, and hope to continue doing business for as long as is mutually beneficial. Thank you for your time and effort in forging this partnership. We wish ABC Bakery continued success and look forward to serving the community together.